The Vanishing Point


From the creators of Up and Vanished…

Six hundred thousand people are reported missing each year. Most are isolated events without a common thread. But in some instances, the victims are linked by one key detail…location. From the creators of Up and Vanished, The Vanishing Point transports listeners to the last known location shared by multiple missing individuals, uncovering new details about their cases and the significance of the area.

In this six episode installment, we’ll take you to Hoopa, California, home of the Hoopa Valley tribe. Located in the Pacific Northwest, this area is known for its breathtaking landscapes but there’s more to it than just its natural beauty. It holds a haunting history of numerous unsolved missing person cases. Join host Celisia Stanton and the Up and Vanished team as we explore what makes this tribal land…a vanishing point.

Meet the Host


Celisia Stanton

For years, Celisia Stanton, a professional photographer and debate coach, with a degree in Psychology, kept coming back to the captivating and questionable genre of true crime. Then in 2020, she was the victim of a huge financial scheme, one that defrauded her of tens of thousands of dollars. Suddenly, she was learning first hand what the ‘justice’ in ‘criminal justice’ really meant. This drove her to dive deeper into true crime, and create her first podcast Truer Crime, with a hope as one of her listeners put it, tomark “a shift in the way we consume tragedy.”

As she prepares for the second season of Truer Crime, Celisia will host/narrate The Vanishing Point, aligning with her mission of covering stories about real people — murdered, missing, misled — with more nuance, more context, and more questions.


The story continues on social.


If submitting a case inquiry, please write it out as if you are telling the story to a friend.